Welcome to Emmanuel Church
We are a friendly and welcoming community that lives and works in the heart of beautiful Saltburn-by-the-Sea. Our church is our people – whether they are residents or visitors to the town. Together we celebrate God’s love and truth through service and worship.
Welcome video
Are you new to Saltburn? Is this your first visit to our website? Are you a visitor to the town?
Here are some links to information that you might be seeking.
Link to our Online Giving Page
Please click here to be taken to a new page where you may make donations to Emmanuel Church.
Click here for details of Safeguarding in the Diocese of York. Emmanuel Church is part of the Diocese of York .
Contact names for safeguarding concerns or people needing support:
Sue Wheatley, Safeguarding Officer, 07588646522 email suewheatley7@gmail.com
Revd Adam Reed, Vicar, 01287622007, email vicarofnewmarskeandsaltburn@gmail.com
Mr Rob Marshall, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01904699509/07914668907 email rob.marshall@yorkdiocese.org
Holy Week &
Easter Services 2025
PALM SUNDAY 13th April
10.00am Family Communion in Church
Followed by a soup lunch in ECHO
HOLY MONDAY 14th April
7.00pm Evening Prayer in Church
7.00pm Evening Prayer in St Thomas Church
7.00pm ‘Behold the Man’ an evening to commemorate the life
of our Lord Jesus in words and music at Emmanuel Church
7.00pm Holy Communion in Church
GOOD FRIDAY 18th April
11.00am Act of Witness @ Sainsburys
2.00pm Devotion at the Cross in Church
9.00pm Easter Vigil in Church
EASTER DAY 20th April
10.00am Family Communion in Church
Services During April
Sunday Services
9am Holy Communion
10am Refreshments in ECHO
10.45am Family Worship
9am Holy Communion
10am Refreshments in ECHO
10.45am All EngAGE in ECHO
9.30am Said Communion followed by refreshments in ECHO
Prayer During April
Morning Prayer
9am Monday to Friday
Evening Prayer
5.30pm-6.30pm every Thursday in Emmanuel Church
Night Prayer
Monday 8pm
Night Prayer takes place in Emmanuel Church at 8pm on Monday evenings
Please email the church office for the Zoom invitations to be emailed to you.
artspace@emmanuel update
Cross Roads – 12th April to 24th May 2025
A choice of path, a change of direction, a pause in proceeding to decide what to do, or a reflection on this season of Easter. Artists are invited to explore any aspect of this theme. Submissions in any medium (this includes the written word) will be accepted on the following days:
Friday 4th April, 3.30pm to 5pm * note change of time
Monday 7th April, 1.30pm to 3.30pm
Exhibition Opening – Saturday 12th April 2pm
The Artspace will be open for visitors on Saturday
afternoons from 2pm to 4pm. Please sign up at the back
of the church if you are able to be a steward.
In the Moment – 21st February – 29th March 2025
Thank you to everyone who was able to steward and visit this lovely exhibition of figurative paintings. The fusion of visual art and written word was very popular with visitors and those attending the writing workshop experienced an enjoyable and thought provoking session with the artist and author. Thank you to David Mattches for his support and contribution to this exhibition.
Art Club
Sunday 13th April 2025 – 2pm to 4pm – Guided Workshop
Textured Surface – an exploration of abstract landscapes, creating texture through collage and paint (materials will be provided). Sessions cost £3 to cover materials.
All are welcome.
For further information please email patsivewright@hotmail.com
Palm Sunday
Soup Lunch
We will be enjoying a soup, bread and cheese lunch following our service on Palm Sunday.
We’ll need about six large pans of soup, please let Christine know if you are able to make a pan so we can ensure a good variety.
Donations of bread and cheese would be appreciated if you're not a soup maker. Puddings are also welcome! Thank you
Easter Flowers
We are looking forward to decorating the church for Easter. If you would like to contribute towards the cost of the flowers please give your donation to Margaret Brignall, or Christine in the office. Thank you